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  LKBinDB Supported SQL description:


All values must be written in quotes!
 	Example :
		Upadate table1 set field1 = 'data1', field8 = 'data8'


SELECT {*|ALL|{f1,f2,..,fN}}
 FROM tblname 
  [WHERE conditions]
  [ORDER BY {f1,f2,...,fN} [(ASC|DESC)]]
  [LIMIT [offset,]rows]
 [INTO tblname]

DELETE FROM tblname WHERE conditions 
 [LIMIT [offset,]rows]

INSERT INTO tblname ({f1,f2,..,fN}) VALUES ({v1,v2,..,vN})
INSERT INTO tblname SET {f1=v1,...,fN=vN}


UPDATE tblname SET {f1=v1,..,fN=vN} WHERE conditions


Supported expressions:
< <= = == > >= != <> eq ne le ge
OR AND || &&
like ('%' - symbol group, '_' - one symbol)


ALTER, CREATE, DROP, ... TABLE available through functions call from


LK Bin Database also support FindKey & FindKeyEx functions:
	You can write simple select query if you want, but using this function
	no temp tables created. DB stansd on (found) record.
	You can call it in such way:
	while ( $DB->FindKey(...) ){
		# edit this record
	Which is the same to QUERY:
	Update Table1 Set ... Where CONDITIONS

#	sub FindKey
#	1:$FieldName	-	field to search in
#	2:$DataToFind	-	data to search
#	3?:	$IgnoreCase = 0
#	4?: $DoFirst = 1	start from beginning
#	Resturns: 1 - found, 0 - not found

( Example : $DB->FindKey('field1', 'string') )

#	sub FindKeyEx
#	1:\@FieldNameArr	-	field to search in
#	2:\@DataToFindArr	-	data to search
#	3?:	$IgnoreCase = 0
#	4?: $DoFirst = 1	start from beginning
#	Resturns: 1 - found, 0 - not found

( Example :
	$DB->FindKeyEx(['field1', 'field1'], ['string_f1', 'string_f2'], 1, 1)

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